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Photo archive

On this page i'm showing all the photos i have in my archive. The ones with the watermark are from my own collection, other i found over the years on the internet. Every photo has a caption with the info known about the photo.


An interesting photo, you can see a group of foresters and hunters before a mansion/castle. If you look at their insignia, you can see that they are from the 1934 dress regulation. 


Here you can see a förster in state service, rang revierförster talking a walk. You can see his hirschfänger hanging on his left side.


A group of foresters with different ranks, posing before a cabin in the woods. One of the foresters is also a member of the Deutsche Jägerschaft, you can see a patch on his left arm.


A group of foresters in private service (you can tell by the badge on their fedora/baschlikmütze) hunting for boar.


A portrait photo of a young forester, rang hilfsförster (1938 dress regulation). He is wearing his DRL sports badge and his SA sport badge, both bronze.


A period framed portrait photo of Albert Guggemos. He was a forester rank revierförster from the district Entraching. He was a state forester proudly wearing his b-rock uniform with the 1938 dress regulation. A few week after i bought this frame, i was lucky enough to find his death card with the same photo on it!


Very little known about this photo. It's an early photo, you can tell by the 'SA' style eagle on his fedora.


2 pasport photos of the same revierförster. On the left photo you can see a acorn on his shoulder board, so that means they are from the 1942 dress regulation.


One of my favorite photos, a postcard size photo of a young forstlehrling wearing his fedora and a parteiabzeichen.


A hilfsförster posing with two hunting trophy's and his hunting rifle. Notice his Hitlerjugend leistungsabzeichen on his uniform.


An older förster in private service (you can tell by the insignia on his fedora) proudly posing with his granddaughter/grandson.


Another one of my favorite photos. A young förster with the rank forstanwärter wearing a B-rock uniform with a dagger on his side. Notice his Hitlerjugend leistungsabzeichen on his uniform.


Very little is known about these two photos. You can see a förster with another official and a civilian in a sort of rubber boat roaming the flooded streets of a town.


A förster wearing his waldbluse (workers tunic) and fedora, hiking with his family in the woods.


In this picture you see a förster with his wife wearing a baschlikmütze.


Another great example what försters whore on their daily job, a fedora and a waldbluse.


This photo is not so much forestry related, but i liked it when i found it for sale. It's a zoll (customs) officer, wearing his hunting rifle and two bunny's he just shot.


This photo is a perfect example of a förster wearing his parade outfit. A B-rock uniform, silver aiguillette, parade belt and his dagger. Notice that he was also a member of the Deutsche Jägerschaft. He is wearing the logo of the DJ on his left sleeve.


A förster wearing his workers outfit (waldbluse, fedora, hunting rifle and binoculars) looking at a farmer working his field.


Two försters and their friends getting ready to go hunting in the winter forest.


A förster posing in his waldbluse and fedora. Not sure what the badge on his waldbluse is.


Another förster posing before the woods he probably worked in.


A förster in civilian clothing wearing his fedora.


A hilfsförster wearing a A-rock with the 1938 dress regulation posing next to his wife/friend/sister, who knows ;-) 


Four photos of the same förster. When i found these online for sale, they where clearly ripped out of a complete album. On the backside there are signs of this. I hate when people do this just to make extra money of selling them separately. I was able to save four of them to hold them together. The rest was already sold. He was a high rank förster, rank forstmeister. If you look at the photo with the car, you will see a member of the luftwaffe. Why he is there, is a mystery. If the album was never ripped apart, we might would know the whole story...


Here you can see two försters in private service. Notice the insignia on his fedora.


A state förster with his dog. On the back his name: Heinz. The dog's name is also written, but unreadable.


A beautiful wedding photo of a förster, rank hilfsförster. Postcard size! 


A HUGE photo (almost A4 format!) It's a forstlehrling who worked high in the mountains (look at the snow and the baschlikmütze, mostly worn by Foresters who worked on high grounds). I'm guessing it's in private service because he is missing the shoulderboards. The cool thing is, look at his medals! That means he fought in the war, but returned home before the war was over. It's rare to see a photo like this!


On this photo we see a young forstlehrling. He is wearing his HJ Leistungsabzeichen and the badge of the Deutsche Jägerschaft on his tie.


This wedding photo sits in a large frame. He is a Revierförster with the 1934 dress regulation. Nicely marked on the back with the name of the photographer and framer Gerber, Karlsruhe.


This photo is one of the 300 + photos from two photobooks of 1 family of a community förster, rank forstanwärter. He joined the Kriegsmarine, went to the Schiffsstammabteilung in Bergen op Zoom (Holland) and later to the Marine Artillerie Abteilung in Wilhelmshaven. The rest of the photos them i'm keeping private.


A portrait photo of young forstlehrling Gerhard, taken in Heldburgen (city near Leipzig) on 20th of july 1944.


A passport photo of a revierförster in state service with a 1938 dress regulation A-rock uniform wearing a party badge and some tinnie medals. I also posted a picture of the back with a stamp of the photographer. 


Four private and unpublished photos of Herman Göring in the company of försters. The first photo is taken in Berchtesgaden in 1938 and also printed in a small camerastore there. 

Where the other tree photos are taken is unknown. 

If you look at the uniforms, we can see that they are all taken in 1938. This was the transitional period between the 1934 and 1938 dress regulation. You can see that the rang tabs are missing from the uniform of the försters, this we see more on photos from that period.

The man standing on the right on the last photo is Generalforstmeister Von Keudell.


A postcard size photo for the collection showing a revierförster in state service celebrating Christmas with his family.


A förster in state service (rank not 100% visible) wearing his fedora standing proud with his family who are also member of different organisations.


4 photos from the same forester in communal service, rank forstanwärter. On the third and fourth photo you will see his father (Wehrmacht Heer) and his grandfather who was also a communal forester, rank revierförster. The photos are taken in 1941. Not only are they dated, but you can see the 1938 dress regulation on their uniforms.


A forester in state service wearing his hunting rifle and fedora. You can see that he is wearing a badge on his fedora. This is the Jagdaufseher (hunting supervisor) badge from the Deutsche Jägerschaft. (more info about the badge on the Deutsche Jägerschaft page)


A postcard size picture of a förster wearing his fedora, binoculars and hunting rifle.


A very large (38x27cm) period framed portrait of a state förster, rank revierförsteranwärter (revierförster in training). He is wearing his parade uniform.


A Landforstmeister posing with his family. His young son wearing a panzer uniform.


An unpublished photo of Hermann Göring with some foresters and members of the Deutsche Jägerschaft. When you look at the uniforms, this photo was taken around 1934 - 1935.


A group of state foresters, low and higher ranks, at the dinner table. In the background you will see some headgear on the cabinet. Small but interesting photo!


A reviërforster posing with his family, notice the panzer uniform on the right.


A photo of some foresters (one is a oberförster) standing with some Italian state officials. The Italian state official standing on the left is Augusto Agostini, commander of the Milizia Forestale (Forestry Militia).


A great photo for the collection, this photo was taken in1942 at Ustka (Stolpmünde) Poland shows a sign 'zum forsthaus' with a drawing of a forester beneath. In the background you will see the forsthaus hidden between the trees. For a 'not forestry' collector nothing special, but this is a rare photo!

More info:

Until the end of the Second World War there was a live training shooting range from the German Flakartillerie nearby in the dunes of Stolpmünde.

The photo is taken by a member of a Flakartillerie who was training there are that time.


A rare photo from my collection, a revierförster in Heer forestry service. Notice the Heer eagle on his chest. Foresters had to pay for their own uniforms, you can see some evidence on this photo, he is still wearing his normal forestry visor instead of the regulated Heer version.


A wedding photo from a Oberförster (1934 dress regulation)


Two photos of a revierförster (1934 dress regulation) in the company of some Wehrmacht officers.


A wedding portrait of a oberförster in state service. Backside is marked with the name of the photo studio, located in München.


A communal förster posing with his wife and son (member of the Jungvolk) in front of their car. On the back: Von einer schönen fahrt nach dem Heinberg! 20 april 1939.


A forester rank revierförsteranwärter. State of private is not visible on this black and white photo.


A Luftwaffe officer posing next to a revierförster in private service. The hint to know he is a private forester is the weapon shield on his fedora (instead of the eagle) It looks like he is also wearing a party badge.


A member of the Deutsche Jägerschaft with some hunters.


A Forester riding his NSU motorcycle. Funny thing, i found this photo with a NSU collector.


A revierförster in communal service (notice the grey rangtabs) with his son and wife. Both are wearing the party badge.


These 2 photos are taken at the hunting exhibition in Dessau in 1936.


A young forester in training with rank Hilfsförster, 1938 dress regulation. He is also wearing a DRL badge and a pin from the Reichskolonialbund, namely the Colonial Youth. The Reichskolonialbund had its own youth organization, the Colonial Youth, which was incorporated as a wing of the Hitler Youth. Its members wore the regular Hitler Youth uniform with Reichskolonialbund badges and insignias. The youth regularly staged rallies and collected money for the colonial cause during the events organised by the Reichskolonialbund.
On the backside is written: Toni als Forstschüler in der höheren Forstschule
in Reichstadt Böhmen (Sudetenland)


The following photos are not much special for the most of you, but these are very rare photos of one of Hermann Göring's hunting halls, Reichsjägerhof Riddagshausen not far from Braunschweig. Photos are marked with 'Reichsjägerhof 5/6/1939'.

They are printed by Photo-Görner, Bismarckplatz 8 in Dresden on Agfa-Brovira and Agfa-Lupex photo paper.


The last 4 photo ment to be a panoramic picture, so i used Photoshop to make it like it was ment to be.


A revierförster in state service. Backside is marked:


Unseren lieben Toni und Armerl

zur erinnerung

Fritz und Mitul

21 marz 1943


Weddingpicture of a oberförtser in state service (1938 dress regulation) Behind him a revierförster in state service (also 1938 dress regulation) Photo is marked on the back with a text, but only the date, 1938, is readable.


A revierförster in communal service wearing his party badge. The backside is marked:

Wir liebe Paula

Ein liebes andenken an

Seisti + Willi

Weilbring im august 1944

Note: the photo is marked 1944, but his uniform is from the 1938 dress regulation.


A weddingphoto of a revierförster in state service (1938 dress regulation) The text on the back is not readable, only the date: 25 marz 1941. 


Three photos of an older revierförster in state service (1942 dress regulation) wearing his fedora and a rather large medal bar (probably WW1 medals). Backside of the first photo is marked:

Gelldorf, im marz 1945

Zur erinnerung an sein geburtsdag 17/3/1945

Note: Notice the silver bands under his shoulder boards. This means he is retired but can still is allowed to wear his uniform. There is also a name that i can't read.


Two wedding photos of the same revierförster in state service (1938 dress regulation). No markings on the back. But i don't think he is happy when you look at his face! ;-)


This photo was sold in a lot I've bought as forstschutzkommando. After inspection i realized this is an early post war photo from a förster. Still an interesting photo and worth to be posted here. Photo is marked:

Meiner kleinen Inge

ein kleinen andenken

von deinen


Note: not in ink, but in pencil, there is a date 4/11/48, but the handwriting is different, so i don't know if it is added on a later date.


A hunting still life. There is text on the back, but unfortunately not readable. Only the date is clear: 4 mai 1934.  


A oberforstmeister in state service (1938 dress regulation) wearing his long coat. Back is marked with 1939.


A revierförster in state service (1938 dress regulation)  wearing his DRL ( Deutscher Reichsbund für Leibesübungen) badge. Not marked on the back.


A young forstlehrling in state service (1942 dress regulation) wearing his fedora and long coat. On the back a text that is not readable, only his name and date: Walter 4/6/1943. There is an extra text on it:

Gef. (gefreiter) im Dez. 1943 auf der höhe ... Tollo (in Italien). 


Wedding photo of a revierförster in state service (1942 dress regulation) wearing a medal bar and his SA sports badge. Back is marked:

Foto Hausler D256 Kempten - Allgäu


Fun with the new uniform! This revierförster in state service (1938 dress regulation) bought a new uniform (see tag on the photos) and did a photo shoot with his girlfriend/friend. Look at the DRL ( Deutscher Reichsbund für Leibesübungen) badge on his uniform.


Three photos of a forstmeister in state service (1938 dress regulation) On the first photo he is wearing his Infantry Assault Badge and WW1 Iron Cross 1st class.


A young forstlehrling in state service (1942 dress regulation) wearing his fedora.


A young forstlehrling (1942 dress regulation).


Two photos of the same forester, rank förster (1938 dress regulation)


A forstanwärter in state service (1938 dress regulation).


A forstmeister (1938 dress regulation) holding a baby. I'm not sure if he is the same person as the three photos above.


A forester, rank revierförster in communal service (1938 dress regulation) with his family.


A hilfsförster in state service (1938 dress regulation).


A group of foresters relaxing in the sun. The photo is probably taken in the first half of 1938. Notice the lack of rank insignia and eagles on their fedoras.


A nice early photo of a revierförster from the 1934 dress regulation.


Three photos from a forstanwärter in private service (look at his cap badge). You will also see a member of the HJ on the first photo and on the last photo he is wearing a visor, but for state service. One of the main reason foresters went from state to private, is because the paycheck was better in many cases.


A förster in communal service, rank forstmeister (1938 dress regulation). I have more photos of his family, but these where the most interesting ones to show.


A förster, rank forstreferendar (1942 dress regulation) posing with his price hunt.


A förster, rank revierförster (1938 dress regulation) posing with a man in his bathing suit. Photo is printed on Kodak paper.


A förster, rank forstmeister (1938 dress regulation) posing with a young woman.


A postcard size family portrait. A oberförster (1938 dress regulation) proudly posing with his WW1 medals and his dagger. One of his sons is a Heer soldier. Backside is marked with unreadable text, but also a date, 1943.


A young forstanwärter (1938 dress regulation). Photo is postcard size, no markings.


A revierförster (1938 dress regulation) wearing a cool medal bar, one part of it is the 25 years service medal. Backside is marked with his name: Paul Kischlat. He worked an area of 13 km in Ullenstein.

Photo is taken at Fotohaus A.O. Schmidt in Winsen (Luhe).


A revierförster (1938 dress regulation) wearing a party badge on his tie and a SA Sportabzeichenon his uniform. Backside is marked with his name: Hans Wagner. he is listed in the Forsthandbuch.


A forstauseher (1938 dress regulation) wearing a party badge on his tie.


A hilfsförster (1938 dress regulation). Notice the special type of headgear, a 'crusher' type visor with no strapband. 


A young forstanwärter (1938 dress regulation). 


A forstanwärter (1938 dress regulation) with his dog. He is wearing a fedora with a 'non-regulated' eagle and a waldbluse.


A forstlehrling (1942 dress regulation) in private service. Notice the insignia on his fedora.


A forstanwärter (1938 dress regulation) in communal service. Notice the light grey rank tabs. 


A förster in state service working with a grop of woman in the forest.


Revierförster posing with two woman. He is wearing his EK1 from WW1, a WW1 verwundetenabzeichen and a Baltic cross.


Revierförster in state service (1942 dress regulation) posing with his family. He is wearing his medal bar en his WW1 verwundetenabzeichen. Notice that his son is wearing a Flakhelper uniform.


93th birthday party in Reinhardtsdorf, Saxon forstamt. Photo is dated 12th of october 1935. Look at the man wearing the 1934 dress regulation uniform in the background.


A photo of DLV members/ early Luftwaffe soldiers posing with a Jagdaufseher (look at the badge on his fedora) and his dog. The photo is taken at the Flugplatz Finsterwalde.


The first four photos you will see a young forstanwärter in state service (1938 dress regulations) with his friends. One photo is marked with 1940 and the names: Karl, Jakob, Eva and Siegfried Hähnel. The last photo is from a forester in private service (look at the badge on his fedora) with his gun and dogs.


Some photos of a revierförster in state service (1938 dress regulation ) with a Heer officer.


Some interesting photos of a pre DJ hunting group (backside is dated 1928)


A photo of the director and under director of the Prussian forestry school Spangenberg, school year 1933/34. Look at the special uniforms.


An awesome photo with a lot of different styles of forestry headgear. Written on the bottom: Ausbildungslager der Deutschen Waldarbeit in Salem Forstamt Daun (Training camp for the German forest workers) , taken in 1938.


A postcard with a unique photo of the interior of the training center for forest workers in Salm. Part of the forstamt Daun in the Eifel.


A photo of a revierförster in state service, 1938 dress regulation.


A small photo of a forester in state service, rank revierförster from the 1938 dress regulation.


A postcard size photo taken at the Forstschule (Forestry school) Spangenberg in 1935. On the back the names of the foresters on the picture.


A huge picture of a revierförster with his 1938 dress regulation A-Rock. The schoulderboards doesn't match the photo, but bought them on the same day.


A photo of a forstmeister (state service, 1942 dress regulation) posing next to a gebirgsjager.


A forester with his fedora talking to a member of the Wehrmacht.


A very rare photo. This photo of a group at a party at Gasthof Zur Linde with a Heeresforstbeamter wearing his 1935 dress regulation uniform. The embroided eagle was a special pattern for Heeresforstbeamter.

A member of the Deutsche Jägerschaft doing some paperwork.

A portrait of a hilfsförster, 1938 dress regulation.

A photo of a Forester (rank not clear on the photo) with an example 1934 dress regulation uniform.

A set of photos of a forstassesor, 1934 dress regulation, with his horse.


A revierförster in state service, 1942 dress regulation with his family.

A photo of a revierförster in private service (notice the decal on his fedora) with his family. On the backside is written: summer 1944

A photo of a Forstlehrling (student forester) , 1942 dress regulation.

A postcard size photo of a revierförster, 1942 dress regulation.

A postcard format photo of an Oberforstmeister. Signed: Helmut, september 1943.


An awesome photo of a group foresters in training (rank forstanwärter) playing their horns.

A rare set of photos from a funeral of a forester. Unfortunately I don't have information from who, but on the funeral slash we can read Forstamt Königsforst. Looking at the turnout, we can say it's a high ranking Forester and looking at the uniforms, we can say they are taken between 1934 and 1938.

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