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Forestry related items

In this section of the website you will find items related to forestry. Items that are as important then the uniforms and visors regulated by the government. Personally i love the history behind the items, also the fact that there is more behind the items that the normal collector would know.

Children's book 

This 1st edition book for children called Förster Stern mit Treff und Männe was original printed in 1915 by J. Neumann in Neudamm. This company printed all forestry and hunting related books and magazines, for example, the dress regulations, Deutsche Jagd magazine,... The story of the book is about a forester called Stern who went on adventure with his two beloved dogs, Treff and Männe. Inside of the book there is a writing in old German, dated 1930 that i have yet to decipher. The book is in used condition after all the years going trough the hands of children.


Sign from a forest in Saxony

Every Forstamt in Saxony had those signs placed at the "border" of forests or at the start of the trails through it. The sign is an advice or restriction not to light fire or to smoke on the foresttrails and in the forest. The little "sächs. Forstamt" at the end make it possible to date the sign pre 1936, but they remained in service througout the TR period and even afterwards. Those signs were once painted either in green with white or white with black writing. Several variants existed - you still found the modern versions today, especially when it is extremely dry.


Membership card RDB form a Revierförster

The Reichsbund der Deutschen Beamten (RDB), meaning "Reich Federation of German Civil Servants", also known as NS-Beamtenbund (National Socialist Civil Servants Federation), was the trade union for German State Officials during the Third Reich. The RDB was established as an organization affiliated to the Nazi party in October 1933. Its leader was Herman Neef. Neef had been previously leading the RDB's predecessor organisation, Deutscher Beamtenbund German Civil Service Federation, which had been founded in December 1918.

Although it was not compulsory for RDB members to be Nazi party members, most of them chose to be. In addition to the training and development of its members, the RDB ensured that German Civil Servants toed the line of the Nazi Party.

Following Nazi Germany's defeat in World War II, the American Military Government issued a special law outlawing the Nazi party and all of its branches. Known as "Law number five", this denazification decree disbanded the National Socialist Civil Servants Federation, like all other organizations linked to the Nazi Party. In the postwar years, it was reestablished as the German Civil Service Federation in the Federal Republic of Germany.

This membership card belonged to Walter Otto, rang Revierförster. Also on the picture is a pin with the logo of the RDB.


Reclamemarcke from the Schützen und Heimatfest, Viersen 1939

This extra large (approx 3x3") reclamemarke is from the schützen und heimatfest organized by the Deutsche Jägerschaft in Viersen,  summer of 1939. The label is of the actual large publicity poster hung in shop windows and town centers. Used primarily, but not limited to, mail, letters, product packaging... The photo next to it is from a day badge from this event. (unfortunately not from my collection)


2 promotion certificates

These are two huge (A3 format) promotion certificates from Forester Heinz Banniza. He promoted from forstlehrling to Revierförster-anwärter and from Revierförster-anwärter to a.p.- Revierförster. These are signed by the Landforstmeister from Kassel, i have yet to determine who that was.


Death card

This death card is from revierförster Hans Haller, he became a oberleutnant and died sadly enough at the very end of the war, april 1945.


Hunting booklet

This awesome and rare booklet for a hunter. This book, printed by J. Neumann from Neudamm (they printed all hunter and Forestry related books), for the first half year of 1937. Next to a calendar, a guide with animals to hunt and not to hunt, period advertising, a measure tape and so much more. Even the original pencil with the name of the printing office on it!


Hunting exam book

A hunting exam book, 636 exam questions and awnsers, written by Revierförster H. Krebs. Printed by the same company who printed the magazine, Der Deutsche Jagd. Printed in 1941.


House plaque

I found this plaque for sale online when i was browsing the internet. The plaque is about 17x8cm and is made out a heavy metal. It says: Josef Walter, Revierförster out of Maxdorf (a small village in Germany with a forest at his borders). He probably was a community förster who controlled that forest.

It's hard to date this plaque, but i would say 1930-1940 time period.



This is an example of an arbeitsbuch (workersbook) of a person who worked for the foresters in the forstamt Hammereisenbach.

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Wald und forst

These magazine/newspapers, Wald und forst, are from 1939. All you need to know about the forest and forestry, something a forester would read! 

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Papers from a unknown magazine/newspaper

This papers are from a unknown magazine/newspaper. if you will look closely you will see death notices, adds for jobs and uniforms, adds from company's who sold forestry stuff, ... This documents contains a lot of information!

Certificates of Erich Meng

Four certificates from revierförster Erich Meng who worked in Lower Saxony. The first certificate dates from 1 october 1935 and promotes him from hilfförster to förster. The second certificate dates from 14 april 1936 and promotes him from förster to revierförster. The third certificate dates from 1 februari 1957 and honors him for his 40 years service. The last certificate dates from 10 january 1961 and thanks him for his service and confirms his retirement.

Forstfest Kamenz 1934

The forest festival of Kamenz still exist today. The earliest written records so far date from the second half of the 17th century. Sources only report on the course of the festival, in particular the move into the forest, from the end of the 18th century. Since the forest festival was only interrupted by the two world wars in the 20th century in the last 250 years, the festival order remained anchored in the collective memory. Changes only occurred due to structural changes (e.g. the new building of the citizens' school) or for political reasons in the 20th century (National Socialism, GDR era). But many of the elements have been preserved and thus form an identity-creating tradition among the Kamenzer citizens.

This badge is from the 1934 edition of the festival. It has a small pin and is made out of cardboard. The postcard is also in my collection and shows the Schulplatz in Kamenz. If you read the text, you will see that they are sending the card from the forest festival. The date on the stamp confirms it. The last photo is the cover of the program from the festival, unfortunately not in my collection. If you want more info about the festival, visit their website here.


Deutsche Jagd

Found this books for sale in Germany, the son of the original buyer was selling them because his parents passed away. They are bands of the magazine Deutsche Jagd, a hunting magazine published in cooperation with the Deutsche Jägershaft. These bands where sold at the end of each printing period. The first band (vol.3) is from 1935, the last one (vol.13-14) is the first of 1940.

Great to read and the best source of scarce period information!


Der Schneidermeister

Tailors magazine, Der Schneidermeister. Edition Hannover, printed september 22th 1940. A magazine with alot of information and plans to make uniforms. This edition has the plans for the A-rock and waldblüse from the 1938 dress regulation.


Bavarian fabric samples

Fabric samples for the Bavarian foresters following the 1934 dress regulations. This is a great piece of history and a awesome research piece!

Feltpost letter

A feldpost letter from a forester to his forstmeister at the front. The letter includes 2 photos of him posing with his dear he shot in a hunt. A very interesting read!


Der Deutsche forstwirt

Lot of magazines of Der Deutsche Forstwirt from 1936. Great period information and the adds on the back are amazing! A arbeitsbuch from Adolf Sautter, a forest worker with some great history. He started to work in 1910 in the 'forest buisness' untill the last entry of may 1942. He worked for the forstamt Schorndorf, an area just next of Stuttgart. The first photo is from a forester with a 1929 dress regulation uniform wearing his 'Robin Hood' style fedora with a early eagle. The second one a forester (can't see the regulation date of the uniform) in communal service (notice the light coloured rank tabs).


Handbuch für jäger und schützen

Technical shooting handbook for the hunter and shootingclubs from the RWS (Rheinisch-Westfälische Sprengstofffabriken). RWS is still a brand who makes ammuntion. This book was published in 1940. A very unknown book by collectors, but a good source of period information!


Hegering Sögel pin

A membership pin of Hegering Sögel from 1934.

Hegering is a subdivision of hunters at the local level, and thus the smallest organizational unit of hunters after the German Hunting Association, the state hunting associations and the district hunters. Membership in the local hegering is tied to membership in the State Hunting Association and is therefore voluntary for the hunters.

In 1934, when the Deutsche Jägerschaft was formed, all the other hunting organizations and subdivisions where dismembered. So this is a rare pin from the same year the Hegering was dismembered and the Deutsche Jägerschaft was formed. 


Hunting horns

There were two general styles of hunting horns ( also called Pless Horn): one completely made of brass and one in brass with german silver fittings. Leatherwraping at this time 1930´s/40´s were of dark green leather, though older examples still in use had brown leather in most cases. Most examples are unmarked, while older ones sometimes have inscriptions of "royal" makers.

Most survivng examples are missing the carrying strap and have some dings - but they were no decoration at this time.


The DJ had among their many fancy items also a so called Taschenjagdhorn (pocket hunting horn) - it was smaller in size and could be carried in the large pockets some hunting coats had. They also existed as "Ehrenjagdhorn" (Honour hunting horn), which featured oakleafs and the DJ insignia on it. They command very high prices, but are generally no "offical" present for good conduct/ service. Official presents were most often hunting daggers.


Memory box

This 'memory' box is found like this in Germany. The box contains a plume for a Fedora, 2 sets of forestry shoulderboards (one state and one private) and a period photo of a group men, some of them are RAD members.


Grouping from communal forstverwalter (later revierförster) Willi Carstens


In this grouping:

1. Carsten's wehrpas (pictured in his forestry uniform) issued in 1943.

2. His WW1 soldbuch

3. 12 year long service decoration document

4. Jubilaums - Abzeichen document

5. Ehrenkreuz für frontkampfer document

6. 25 years treudienst in silver document

7. Letter acknowledging his 25 of service signed by comrades

8. Three typed military - dienstzeitbescheinigung listing in detail his WW1 service, units, dates, actions, etc.

9. Four other misc. documents for kameradenschaft, fuhrungs - zeugnis, etc...

10. Collection of 70 photos showing Cartens in forestry uniform, forestry service (hunt, etc.), civilian and family photos. As early as 1900 untill the 1950's. (These are not posted on the website)

Carstens served in the imperial German army prior to WW1 and was called up again in 1914 for action. He served untill the end of the war. He was also awarded the Iron Cross second class as seen on his portrait photos.

These groupings are very rare because most of them are lost in time or sold seperatly. I was very lucky to find one so complete. Enjoy!


Deutscher Jägerkalender 1940

This where calenders for hunters, loaded with information, laws, dress regulation from the Deutsche Jägerschaft and alot of ads. The ads are a great source of information for the collector of today!

I also have the 1937 edition already in my collection. (see above)


Pareys Jagd Kalender 1940

Great piece with period information and some great drawings and photos .The first page is missing in time, but the rest is all there.


Arbeitsmerkhefte für den Deutschen Waldarbeiter Nr.5

A handbook for the German forest worker. There are 5 of them, i already have nr. 1 and 2, but to find number 5, was a dream come true. For alot of people nothing special, but this edition is made with the help of the forstschutzkommando (see second photo)! This makes this booklet so special.


Landforstmeister grouping


A rare grouping of a Landforstmeister (3th highest rank!) from the 1934 dress regulation. His shoulderboards and some photos from him. Very happy with these!




These are invoices from the Prussian forestry office of Nienburg to a POW camp for the delivery of coal, wood,... Signed by the Forstmeister in charge.


Deutsche Jäger


A subscription card for the magazine Deutsche Jäger. These card would be added inside other magazines, newspapers,... to be filled in and posted.


Deutsches Forsthandbuch 1937


The holy grale and must have of every forestery collector: the Deutsches Forsthandbuch 1937! This book list all state and reichs authorities and it also contains namelists of foresters (f.e. whose who lead a Forstamt or a Revier - unfortunately not the lower ranks). Also the Heeresforst and the foresters working on Schorfheide, Hermann Göring's personal hunting area and the location of Carinhall was. No later editions were published due to the war.


Ausbildungsbestimmungen für die Waldfacharbeiter (Training regulations for forest workers)


This booklet was given to foresters in training. Not only the regulations, but also the registration, exams and intern work was written down. The cool thing about this particular booklet is that it was a learning book for the Forstwartschüle Margonin! The booklet is stamped with the school stamp and pre filled with examples how to fill it from the printer of the booklet. The leader of the Forstwartschüle was Oberförster Karl Jahn. In 1937 he received the rank of forstassessor and in 1940 that of forstmeister. Since he was unfit for war due to several serious gastric operations, he was released from military service and in 1942 appointed head of the former Prussian Forstwartschüle in Margonin, today the district of Chodiziez (formerly Kolberg) in Poland. On 24 november 2013 they placed a memorial for him at the Dresdner Heide.

Busch Marlux 10x60 binoculars


A piece of essential gear for every forester. A Busch Marlux 10x60, one of the most expensive binoculars in the day. The price was 250 RM - a Revierförster and ranks up to Forstamtmann earned 2800 - 5000 RM (depending on seniority) per year! So only a very high ranking forester or a rich hunter could afford to buy this. But as a showpiece, this is the best of the best to have in your collection. The photo on the right is a commercial of this binocular, printed in my 1937 Forsthandbuch.


Postcard Forstamt Baden-Baden


A postcard from the forstamt Baden-Baden to Hugo Westerman to ask to remove the wood immediately from the forest because the term to collect has passed.


Enveloppe Forstamt Stromberg


An (empty) enveloppe addressed to Friederich Will from the forstamt in Stromberg. Poststamp is from 28/09/1944.


Musik und Jägerei from Carl Cleming - extreme rare 1000 print edition


I was very happy to have found this extreme rare book! This edition is one of 1000 printed in this special edition, printed in 1937-1938. 1000 pieces were numbered (1 to 100 with Roman numerals and 101 to 1000 with Arabic numerals) and signed by the author himself.  This one has the Roman number 94, so one of the first 100 pieces printed! This complete edition has a green, finely grained saffiano leather cover with the back title and cover vignette embossed in gold. There are 302 pages in two-tone print in Fraktur font and the end papers are illustrated. The book has many images (reproductions after old masters and scattered drawings by G.A.H. Schubert), text images and music scores. There is also a title page with the logo of the Deutsche Jägerschaft and a text from Hermann Göring. There is also a 'machine autographed' signature from him beneath the text.

The book is also bounded by hand by Albert Langen publishing house, workshop for fine bookbinding and leather work in Munich, Dienerstrasse 14. 

 "Why hand-tied? - The main advantages of a good hand bound band are: the individual printed sheets are folded by hand according to the writing area. The sheet margins become uneven as a result, but the typeface is straight. To avoid excessive trimming by the machine, due to the uneven margins, the sheets are roughly trimmed individually, at the front and bottom, with cardboard scissors to an average size. This protects the printing edge as much as possible. As the first and last layer, an empty layer of paper is added to the beech tree for protection, which is covered with a fine linen - or real Japanese paper fold. After careful selection of the thread, the hand strap is stapled on real raised or twisted flat cuffs and on parchment straps (which are pulled through the spine of the parchment straps) , furthermore natural and white pigskin and veal parchment for use.

A hand-made, matching cover paper as well as hand gilding or blind printing on the back complement the work on the outside. Such a binding meets all the requirements that can be placed on a utility volume.

On the last page there is a little pocket containing a small yellow booklet. This was added to each of the 1000 prints, but every booklet was different and also numbered with the same number as the book. This booklet contains prints from a little booklet from around 1700, obtained by the state library in Berlin from the former collection of Meusebach, that displays the rich history of the hunter's song.


Unknown document


A half piece of paper (A5 size) with on the front two stamps and some dates and on the back an added regulation from april 1940 stating where foresters should wear their parteiabzeichen on their uniform. It also say where to wear their SS and SA stickpins and forbid them to wear them on their tie. 


Winterhilfswerk documents


A set of documents related to mandatory donation to the WHW (WinterHilfsWerk) for foresters for the winter of 1940/1941 . Also on the documents a cutout of the official regulations regarding the donation. Notice the list of individual donations for the total of 36 Reichsmark and the little document from the completed banktransfer.


Landesforstverwaltung bandages


An unusual item that I was surprised to find. Bandages from Heer, but with marking Bayer. Landesforstverwaltung. Unfortunately I have no more information about this item. Also named on the back.


Price guide from Dominicus and Soehne


A rare and interesting price guide 'Der Fachmann' from Dominicus and Söhne, a manufacturer from tools that where used in the forest. The factory who produced was in Remscheid and founded in 1822. Interesting to see the tools they used and what they would pay for them.

Linnen maps


Two linnen maps i was able to find in Germany. The first one is a map from the Deutsche Jägerschaft, Stuttgart Amt and the second one a hunting district map from Forstamt Plochingen. Love the way these maps are marked with different colors and essentials points.


Höhenmessungheft (height measurement booklet)


This is a höhenmessungheft (height measurement booklet) from the forstamt of Nienburg. Measuring the height of the trees in their forest was one of the daily tasks of a forester. You will see the kind of tree, his number and the evolution of height. These booklets are very rare because they where often lost in time. A great piece of historical information to own.




The reichsjagdgetz (first hunting laws), second edition from 1934 with the ownership stamp from the forstamt where the book was located. The changes in the law are neatly pasted in so that the original text can be read again by folding it away.


Hirschfänger from a forstverwaltungsbeamte


After years of collecting forestry, i finally was able to buy this very well-preserved hirschfänger from a forstverwaltungsbeamte!

Manufacturer is Eickhorn from Solingen. This version was made in honor of the biggest manufacturer of forestry and Deutsche Jägerschaft uniforms and headgear, Michovius from Cottbus. The etching on the scabbard is stunning!

The Reichsnaturschutzgesetz


The Reichsnaturschutzgesetz, stamped with the stamp of the Prussian forstamt Liebenwalde.

The Reichsnaturschutzgesetz (RNG) of June 26, 1935 regulated the official concerns of nature conservation for the first time in Germany, defined protection zones and introduced the concept of landscape protection areas. The protection of species for plants and non-huntable animals was also enshrined in law for the first time.



A dienstbuch from forstgehilfe Härle. He worked for the forstamt Schönmünzach.

Photo album with hunting motive


A beautiful (but sadly empty) photo album with a stunning relief hunting motive.

Drachenschlucht ticket


Entrance ticket from Drachenschlucht (more info here: The price was 0,10 RMk (ReichsMark Kantine money) A small but rare item!


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